
مُغامَراتُ رمضَانَ مَع حَسُّونة , 2021

مُغامَراتُ رمضَانَ مَع حَسُّونة – الجزء الأول – القَطايف اختَفَت! والفَانوسُ اختَفى! كَيفَ تختَفي كُلُّ األشياءِ هكَذا؟ واضح أنه يوجد مع عائِلة لَيْلى ضيْف جدِيد في رمضَان هذا العَام!

مُغامَراتُ رمضَانَ مَع حَسُّونة – الجزء الثاني “مَن سيساعِد في جَمْعِ شُنَطِ رمَضان؟” الكُلُّ قَال: “أنَا!” ولكِنّ حسُّونة لم يفْهم ما معنى شُنَط رمَضَان. هل حسُّونة سيتعلّم أن يُقَدِّم الطَّعَام للآخَرِين؟

مُغامَراتُ رمضَانَ مَع حَسُّونة – الجزء الثالث – القَمَرُ بدَأ حَجْمه يَقِل، وهذا مَعْناه أنَّ رمضَان سينتِهي قريباً… انزعَج حسُّونة! لو انتَهى رمضَان هل ستَستَمِر صَّداقتة مع لَيْلى وعَائلتِها؟

Mila the Beautiful Cat / ميلا القطة الجميلة, 2018

ميلا قطة جميلة. احبها وتحبني. كنت سعيدة جداً عندما جاءت ميلا معنا الى البيت. كنّا جميعاً سعداء… أم كنّا؟

Mila is a beautiful cat. I love her, and she loves me. I was so happy when Mila came home with us. We were all so happy… or were we?

The Magic Palm, 2017

Lazy Ali always preferred to sleep or play; why should he work on his parent’s date farm in the Nile delta? Yet, when assigned to collect dates, he wanders into the East field only to find a magic palm. Magic still exists in this ancient land. This is a read your entire family will enjoy. They’ll stay riveted to this amazing, magical adventure.

The Lion that Dressed as a Sheep, 2016

This sweet tale tells the story of a girl who saves a lion cub. Unknown to her blind father, she raises the cub and learns a dear lesson of being true and honest to yourself and others. This beautifully illustrated story will put children to sleep happily with a positive message.

Melouq: Mystery and Adventure on the Mediterranean, 2016

The Egyptian coastal town, Ras Zahir, has always been calm and quaint, until researchers from the capital arrive. Based on a storyteller’s tale, they create a competition to find the legendary island of Melouq. But, as three teenagers set sail, is it too much to hope that perhaps they will also find the fruit of the mythical Meldine Tree, promising health and beauty? Nour, Ali, and Dalia sail separately, hoping Melouq may solve their problems. But as long held truths begin to unravel, the island becomes the least of their worries.